Percutaneous Nerve Evaluation
What You Need to Know
An individual’s eligibility for sacral neuromodulation (SNM) therapy is determined through a screening process, one of which is percutaneous nerve evaluation, and the other is a staged test.
Doctors look for candidates who show more than 50% reduction in urinary symptoms during either of these tests as it is a reliable indication that these individuals are good candidates for SNM therapy.

Sacral Nerve Stimulation
Bladder control issues that may be improved with SNM therapy include:
- Overactive bladder
- Urge incontinence
- Urgency-frequency
- Urinary retention
- Fecal incontinence
InterStim therapy is not intended to treat or be used by people who have:
- Stress incontinence
- Mechanical obstructions such as an enlarged prostate, cancer or a narrowing of the urethra
- Individuals with pacemakers
- Women who are pregnant
- Individuals with diabetes
- Individuals with neurological conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis
- Anyone under the age of 16
Percutaneous Nerve Evaluation and InterStim
And How Advanced Gynecology Can Help
For more information, schedule an appointment today or call 678-324-9550 to speak with one of our patient coordinators.

Candidates for Percutaneous Nerve Evaluation
PNE has a 50 percent rate of false negative results due to electrode migration which can be detected subjectively by changing the type and location of stimulation and objectively by using radiography.
A staged test trial is the other type of diagnostic exam undertaken to detect PNE. In a staged test trial, a tined electrode is surgically implanted to mitigate the risk of electrode migration. The patient undergoes the test for 14 days (2 weeks) which runs the risk of wound infection. This evaluative test requires 2 surgeries and can be cost prohibitive.
Effectiveness of InterStim
As with any therapy, individual results vary from person to person and case to case. Many individuals implanted with an InterStim device are relieved of many of their painful and uncomfortable symptoms and can experience a greater quality of life.
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Common Side Effects of InterStim
- New pain
- Pain at the implant site
- Unwanted device interactions
- Device complications or problems
- Skin irritation and/or uncomfortable stimulation