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Frequent Urination

Frequent Urination

What You Need To Know

Frequent urination can be a telltale sign of a range of conditions. It could signal a health problem or medical condition, or it could simply mean you’re drinking too many liquids. Frequent urination is one symptom of urinary incontinence, the involuntary leakage of urine, and can often point to the presence of an infection.

It may also be difficult to determine what is considered frequent urination. Generally, frequent urination is the need to urinate more often than what’s normal to you, passing more urine than usual, or only small amounts. Typically, the bladder is able to store urine until it is convenient to go to the bathroom, ranging from four to eight times a day.

a person sitting on a toilet

How Advanced Gynecology Can Help: 
Treatment Options for Frequent Urination

If you’re recently been experiencing frequent urination and other conditions related to frequent urination, Advanced Gynecology is here for you.

Our board-certified team of women’s health experts are ready to help you with a range of options from pain management solutions to surgical procedures to hormone therapy to a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure. We will counsel you about the best options for you and your health. Meanwhile, it can be helpful to take note of your symptoms and track how often they occur. This can help your doctor better diagnose your condition and determine which solution or treatment will be best and most efficient for you.

For more information, schedule an appointment today or call 678-324-9550 to speak with one of our patient coordinators.

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Health Conditions That May Cause Frequent Urination

Since frequent urination is only a symptom and can point to many different things, it is not easy to diagnose what exactly is causing the problem, whether that be temporary incontinence due to drinking too many fluids or a more serious problem like kidney disease. Other possible causes of frequent urination include:

  • Diabetes — frequent urination with an abnormally large amount of urine is often an early symptom of both type one and type two diabetes
  • Pregnancy — the growing uterus places pressure on the bladder causing frequent urination

  • Diuretic use — medications that are used to treat high blood pressure or fluid buildup work in the kidney and flush excess fluid from the body and cause frequent urination
  • Stroke or other neurological diseases — damage to nerves that supply the bladder can lead to problems with bladder function Urinary tract infections and disorders of the kidneys or bladder

Less common causes include:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Bladder dysfunction
  • Radiation therapy

When to See a Doctor 
for Frequent Urination

If you’ve been experiencing frequent urination or any other related symptoms and you feel it may be an indicator of an underlying condition, we recommend seeing a healthcare provider.

Meanwhile, keep a note the frequency of urination and the occurrence of any other symptoms, such as abnormal discharge or nausea. This can help your doctor more quickly diagnose you and prescribe a treatment plan to address the problem as quickly as possible.

If you are currently experiencing fever, bloody stools, chest pain, yellow skin (jaundice), or abdominal swelling and tenderness alongside frequent urination, seek immediate medical attention as you could be experiencing a serious medical condition that may require immediate medical help.

a woman sitting on a couch